Super cool video hack: DIY Olympics virtual lane markers

A student, Xiaoyang Kao, recently figured out how to make his own Olympics-style lane markers. They used CSS3 and the Chrome engine to get it done, which is really impressive. 

Can you even tell which one is which?

Looks really close to the real thing! Here's his setup at the local pool:

Amazing and very cool. I'm a huge fan of people who reverse engineer and build their own versions of things. 

You should go read about how they did it at their blog

Fear Peak Facebook

Paul Ford of NY Magazine wrote in May 2012

Peak Facebook, when it does arrive, is something that Facebook-haters should fear, not welcome. Facebook’s platform has been so overwhelmingly successful that the company hardly had time to do anything but grow. Yet when the growth of the network itself slows, as it too inevitably will, Facebook—as a publicly traded leviathan whose mandate is to increase profits—will need to find new ways of slicing and dicing humanity into groups that will respond to marketing. That’s what lurks on the other side of peak Facebook, and it is going to suck.

(I couldn't help but find a random peak oil graph and stick it up there...)

The Atlantic Monthly is now profitable for the third year in a row by going all-digital

David Carr writes:

What is the way forward for a 155-year old-magazine that once published Emerson and Longfellow? Digital first and last, with ancillary revenue from conferences. The magazine, edited by James Bennet, is still very much in the middle of the conversation, but these days it is prized mostly for bringing luster to digital assets likeTheAtlantic.comAtlantic WireAtlantic Cities, and beginning Monday, Quartz.

Mr. Bradley shared the financials that suggested that revenue at the various Atlantic properties had doubled in the last four years, from $20 million to $40 million, and that the company was profitable for the third year in a row. Digital revenue, he said, now makes up 65 percent of all advertising revenue. (Even though Atlantic Media is a private company, I believe Mr. Bradley; he was always honest when he was losing gobs of money, so I have no reason to doubt him now that he says they are in the black).

“It’s become very, very clear to me that digital trumps print, and that pure digital, without any legacy costs, massively trumps print,” Mr. Bradley said.

I found this article after searching about, a new blog-like website that seemed to be full of pretty great articles. Of course it shared a lineage with the Atlantic.