Patrick Stewart: Picard's character deeply influenced by kings, emperors, and tragic heroes of Shakespeare

The fact is all of those years in Royal Shakespeare Company – playing all those kings, emperors, princes and tragic heroes – were nothing but preparation for sitting in the captain's chair of the Enterprise.


As I rewatch Star Trek: The Next Generation, it blows me away how much my beliefs and values were actually formed and shaped going home every day after school and watching an hour of TNG during formative years. Picard ended up being a primary role model for what I believed leaders should be. 

Of course, it's natural that the source of Picard's portrayals came from a much deeper tradition of kings and emperors from Shakespeare. Art does imitate life, and vice versa.

3 responses
About 6 months ago I started watching the series from Episode 1. It's pretty much the only show I've watched in six months and it's fantastic!

A couple things I've noticed:

1) All their "fancy" technology - PADD, tri-corders, laptops, touch screen panels seems so NORMAL now! It used to be this crazy futuristic technology, now it's commonplace.

2) In the future, can't they find shirts that fit? Every time Picard stands up he has to adjust his shirt.

3)Wesley is cool.

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