One good argument for why Google Wave may be DOA

On Wave, every misspelling, half-formed sentence, and ill-advised stab at sarcasm is transmitted instantly to the other person. This behavior is so corrosive to normal conversation that you'd think it was some kind of bug. In fact, it's a feature—indeed, it's one of the Wave team's proudest accomplishments.

7 responses
Maybe Google Wave will teach good typing skills! Something the web is lacking!
Meh. I kinda miss UNIX talk like that. :-)
Damn, you know I hadn't thought about it like that before.

>Lee, wat u talkin bout huh???, the web can haz mad typin skillz!...

in the video presentation they can easily deactivate this behavior but that's not in the current version
Don't know which is worse - watching the other party painfully hunt and peck out a message, or waiting and waiting and waiting for them to reply. Sometimes I think they're typing a dictionary, then the reply comes, "Yes".
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