Looking to network in Silicon Valley? Skip the networking events.

I would skip the networking events and spend your time building your reputation through hard (and brilliant) work. Work at an important Silicon Valley technology company doing interesting things, work on important open source projects, or create something new on your own time from scratch to build your reputation.
--Anonymous Top Tier Silicon Valley VC via IAmA Q&A at reddit.com

Really interesting take on networking in the Valley. This has proven mostly to be true. In the words of my cofounder Sachin Agarwal, there are too many talkers. This is especially true at networking events.

Be a do-er.

13 responses
So, so true.
I agree. So what can I build?
Agreed. This holds true pretty much everywhere.
Perry, you can build anything.
Spot on. Don't talk, just build.
Ha. I read the same IAmA and thought that was the nugget too.
I agree, actually making things is most important. And there are lots of things that one might make:
man, it's not just networking events. There are so many distractions in silicon valley you need to avoid, and instead build a product that you are passionate about.

Does Silicon Valley noise detract from long-term value creation?


The echo chamber in silicon valley can definitely make you tone def to social changes happening outside...

Probably a really good idea to not get too caught up in the valley hype

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