4 responses
Very cool, Garry. But they still don't connect the dots well. I watched the video and was interested enough to visit the URL at the end. It took me to a page that told me they were rolling out the service over the next week. Why wouldn't they just wait a week to promote it after everyone is able to use it? Then I plugged my URL into a box for google apps users and it took me to the settings for my google apps email account. To do or see what? I don't know. It all looked the same to me. I still haven't figured out why it took me there.

I am in the camp that believes google makes good stuff and has no idea how to promote it and get people to use it (contrasted with Apple who builds crap but can get anyone to buy and consider it a privelege to use). This is a great example. You are right that the video is well done. But that's where it stops. When this product is rolled out some time next week I will have forgotten all about it.

It’s actually informative stuff. I really prefer to read.There is a lot of helpful information within your post.....Hope to learn rather a lot and have a pleasant experience here!Thanks for post. my best regards guys!

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