Google & Apple: What will friends do when their goals don't align anymore?

Don’t think about it in terms of Apple’s relationship with its carrier partners, but instead think about it in terms of Apple’s competition with Google. Google Voice is a mobile phone service provided by the maker of one of the biggest competitors to the iPhone OS. What if Google Voice were instead Microsoft Voice? And what if Windows Mobile were as modern and competitive as Android? Would you be as surprised then that Apple is discouraging iPhone owners from using the service? Just saying.
--John Gruber commenting on the Apple Google Voice controversy via
2 responses
I'm confused... Apple definitely blocked Google Voice because of objections by AT&T and other carriers. The carriers are the ones who will lose out most when people are using their 3G network but no cell phone minutes.

If Apple could sell a device that worked on multiple networks, or was 3G only for Skype/Google Voice, i'm sure they would love to. Apple cares about the hardware, that's where they make their money.

Apple doesn't love AT&T, but they are forced to cooperate with them (though, Apple has much more control over the device than any other maker)

Also, daring fireball acknowledged:
[UPDATE 1:40 PM: Well, so much for my speculation. A reliable little birdie has informed me that it was indeed AT&T that objected to Google Voice apps for the iPhone. It’s that simple.]

Anyone who thought Apple wanted to block this is just looking for reasons to hate on apple

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