Anti-health care reform hooligans are out of control: Woman yells Heil Hitler to Jewish man at Town Hall

I haven't been to a town hall, but from the accounts I've heard on NPR and elsewhere, there are some serious hooligan tactics being engaged by those either a) brainwashed by right-wing talk radio, or b) corporate shills paid for and organized by the health insurance cabals.

Where's the decorum? Lets talk about this like human beings, and talk about the issues, instead of calling Obama "Hitler." That's just absurd.

3 responses
that is so pathetic. unfortunately, that about sums up the current popular debate. a man trying to talk reasonably about health care issues, and a woman yelling at him. let's please elevate the conversation with facts and real argument. not lies (death panels) and racism. pathetic.
Unfortunately this low level of discourse turns people off from the whole debate, and if know one sticks around to support it, it won't make it through....

Really quite a shame to see this kind of fear-mongering scare tactic rear its head in our country, when both sides should be promoting its best and brightest to come up with a smart solution.

To end on a high note, here's a more positive article from angel investor Esther Dyson:

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